Help Giving
Help is to make
it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work
yourself or by providing advice, money, support etc (Cambridge dictionary)
Help is giving
Help is giving
Help is giving
help... Hahahah
As Humans, when
doing one thing or the other, either we admit it or not we always need help or
assistance ;but, due to the present world we live in where no wants to help
anyone due to selfish reasons, it is hard to get the help we need.
I actually
decided to write on this because of a personal experience that happened
recently were I asked a young lady to help with something but she blatantly
refused with no visible reason.
As humans, we
should be able to help everyone and anyone who needs our help; be it a
neighbor, a friend, an acquaintance or just a random person you don’t even
I know we might
say it is hard for us to help people because either they don’t appreciate it or
repay back for evil making us regret helping in the first place... but still I
will say it is better we help no matter what. When we do we can boldly say we
tried our best to make the situation better.
When you help,
you are making the world a better place by making life easier for the person
next to you; I know you may ask “NA ME BRING AM COME THIS WORLD (DID I BRING
HIM INTO THIS WORLD???)”, You don’t have to be the one who brought the person
in need of your help to the world before you help; little do you know but that
might be one of your sole purposes for which God placed you on earth.
When you help you
are spreading love around and making the world around you beautiful and in
return you feel at peace with the world and everyone around you.
Also there is
something about life and karma; WHEN YOU DO GOOD, GOOD WILL COME BACK TO YOU-What goes around comes around. Today you
might be okay and feel you don’t need any help or anything at all from anyone,
but you don’t know what tomorrow holds for you; it might be the person you
helped or did not help that would be in the position to help you, so beware.
Giving help may
not only be monetary, it could include;
-Giving of advice.
-Giving information.
-Finding information out.
-Looking out for those around you.
-Standing in the gap of prayer for a loved one
BY WHICH WE CAN HELP PEOPLE. Let’s make a change and make a difference by
helping someone today, you will be glad you did.
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