it could be for education, for visits, for tourism, for business, or just for travelling
but then we realized we are never at a place for a long time. What are left as
proofs of our existence at that place at that particular time are just our
memories and maybe pictures taken and friends made. But what makes out memories
long-lasting and worthwhile to us and people we met are the impacts we made
while we were at that place.
Impact is having a strong effect on someone or
something (causing a change). Impact can be made through our way of life, the
things we do, the help we render, the words we speak. Our beliefs, how we carry
ourselves, or something as little as our smile.
might then ask, WHY DO I NEED TO MAKE AN IMPACT?
Well I will say for some its important
they make impact, for some it’s optional while for some it’s not needed; but at
the end of the day it’s our deeds that would speak for us when we leave earth.
We may not see a reason why we should
make an impact but then again we have a lot of wealth of knowledge deposited
inside us that is just waiting to spring forth and it is my believe that we
should leave the world a better place than we met it. If we make the right
impact and change someone or a couple of people, it will go down in the history
of their lives as well as ours what we did and this could open more doors for
us to impact more people and also the people we impact also have the tendency
of going and impacting more people hence spreading your legacy of change]
So let us
always have it in mind to shine so great our light cannot be dimmed wherever we
found ourselves and to always carry people along changing them and making them
better people
LIKE,COMMENT AND SHARE, new ideas are welcome.
Aderibigbe OluwaToyin MiraBelle