Many times, we ask for things from God
either through our wishes, desires or through prayers but most times we don’t
see things changing or our prayers getting answered and we wonder if God really
exist and if he does he really listen to us or is he too busy with other
peoples request that he can’t attend to our needs at that moment.
Other times our answers do come but after
a long while sometimes weeks, months or even years when we had to settle for
other things which came our way.
Sometimes I too think this way that where
is God? But, if we were to face the facts, we would admit that God who is the
God that knows all sometimes delays answers for our good cause getting the
answer to our prayer at that time may destroy more than build things and also
if we get immediate answers every time we may no longer value God or what he
does for us because we get all we need at the speed of lightening. Also if
answers come so quick we would not go through the trials that are meant to
build us to be stronger tomorrow.
SO WHAT DO WE DO? You may ask...
Ø Though it might seem hard to do, when we don’t get what
we prayed for we should pray more.
Ø Whatever we have going on for us should be enough i.e.
be content with what you have or where you are at the moment.
Ø Wait on it (be expectant and never lose hope).
Ø Be thankful for what you have and what you are
Ø If after your prayers/request something else comes
your way accept it, make the best of it and see it as a step to cross before
getting to where or what you want.
Ø And while doing all this always strive to be a better
person and a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.
It’s easier said than done; we all know that
but at the end after going through this steps, we may see that we never really
needed what we wanted or Again we might even finally get our answers but then
Again, Who knows, Life is a two-sided coin… LOL
Wait it out, it’s always worth it.
New ideas are welcome.