Yesterday i became a year older and I have been thinking of the way to celebrate my day and this was one of the ideas that popped up in my head; sharing with you all 25 things I have learnt in the past 25 years.

 Ps: I know I have been MIA for a while ,school and exams last year coupled with side activities
got the best of me but hopefully this year will be better . Fingers crossed .

So let’s get straight to it ….

1.       YOU OWE NO ONE AN EXPLANATION: everyone seems to have an opinion of how you should live your life and when you don’t follow their opinions, you are questioned. Never forget it’s your life and you owe no one an explanation of how you choose to live, so not caring about what people will say, LIVE!!!

2.       YOU OWN THE KEY TO YOUR HAPPINESS: it took me a while to realize this but once I did my life never remained the same, I used to believe I needed friends or retain things to be happy till when none was there and I had to learn to create my own happiness and I can tell you it been a wonderful feeling. You have every right to be happy, only you can make you genuinely happy, the rest are just additives not the determinant so heyyyy , do what makes you happy.

3.       FAMILY IS EVERYTHING: This cannot be over emphasized ,when all goes down and there’s nothing else left to run to , be sure that your family will still be there, they are irreplaceable and a gift to always thank God for .

4.       TAKE LIFE ONE STEP AT A TIME: Can I increase the volume please??? Been a worrier did not help matters I was always calculating and planning the next day even before the present day begins, I will sit down and make plans that I now will not be needed in the nearest months or even years then when I am done I will have the burden of that thought in mind … nahh tae a chill pill, take a deep breath, and go one step at a time, there’s no rushing, move at the right pace and you will surely get to your destination.

5.       ENJOY EVERY MOMENT: This is as simple as it comes, enjoy every moment so you don’t have to look back and wonder what it would have been like if you had, live in the moment so you can have beautiful memories to look back to in future.

6.       TURN IT ALL TO GOD: Certain situations are inevitable and we all go through these moments, when they come, it okay to worry and all but most of all drop it at the feet of God, leave it in the hands of God. Let go and let God…. Always remember, the battle is not yours, it is the Lord’s.

7.       DO NOT FORCE IT: Have you had that friendship or relationship where they are not feeling you like you are feeling them? Yes that one... Don’t force it, let it go, chances are they will miss you and come back or well you would realize it was not meant to be.

8.       BUILD THE RIGHT CIRCLE: Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. Birds of a feather flock together … yea I know we all know that. Get you the right people around you, same vibes, same flow, energy you name it. when you fall you will be sure you have those who will pick you up ,when you miss it you will have someone to call your attention and show you the way and most of all, you all stay winning.

9.       CHASE YOUR DREAMS FOLLOW YOUR PASSION: Follow your heart and do what you love, there is a lot of joy in that.

10.   SERVE GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY: You owe all you have to God so you should give him your all, serve him with all you have got, worship from your heart, pray without ceasing, and now is the time.

11.   GO OUT MORE: Go out, see new places, travel, be adventurous, see new places, you have just one life and you do not get another time to enjoy your youth once it’s over.

12.   DO NOT LET YOUR PRESENT PREDICAMENTS AFFECT YOU NEGATIVELY : Things happen ,whatever you  are going through will surely pass, so don’t let the situation determine your outlook on live , brace up put a smile on your face , and live like you have just today ,because honestly you have just today ,tomorrow is a new day and it is going to be a brighter and better day .

13.   DO NOT DISPLEASE YOURSELF JUST TO PLEASE OTHERS: Do not go out of your way just to please others, if it does not go down well with you let it be.

14.   DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE: When you discover your purpose , you walk in line with what God has in store for you and in so doing you get to live a fulfill live .

15.   KEEP YOUR LOVED ONES CLOSE: In the end, life is short and tomorrow is not promised, so keep your loved ones close, live, laugh and love.

16.   SOME FRIENDS ARE FOR A SEASON: Some friends are meant for just a season and after that season they will leave, don’t feel bad enjoy every season as it comes and pick whatever lessons you can.

17.   DO NOT CHANGE FOR ANYONE: Never try to change yourself for anyone or try to fix yourself to be the taste of anyone, be yourself and let the world adjust to your person.

18.   DRESS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE ADDRESSED: If you want to be treated like a queen, looks the role, if you dress shabishly you will be treated as such.

19.   PRAY: Pray pray pray, it never gets old, communicate with the father therein lies more knowledge and food for the soul.

20.   EAT HEALTHY, WORK OUT, STAY STRONG: Healthy living cannot be over emphasized, in the long run you will your body and overall health will thank you for it.

21.   DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET: Always have a second plan, a side hustle, and it could be from your talent or from passion but always develop your other sides.

22.   DO NOT DEPEND ON PEOPLE: Put all your trust in God because he never fails, people may fail but he always remains true.

23.   SELF DEVELOPMENT: Always strive to be better in life, in your career, activities ,character ,sills etc

24.   TAKE THAT RISK: You never know what is on the other side till you jump so just take that risk.

25.   LIVE FOR HIS GLORY: After all is said and done, live for the glory of the father, let all you do and say speak of him and when you are seen let the world see Jesus

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Unknown said…
Thank you so much for this sis!!
Happy birthday once again
I love you
Kulz said…
Beautiful content. I agree with you on these

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