Do they belong in the kitchen (WOMEN)???
Let me also state that am not some sort of feminist or something who believes in gender equality or the likes but i think today's women deserve a better credit and before the President could made such comments about his wife that means he also thinks the same rest of the female breed.
The average woman is today controlling things,running businesses and along with this running her home.
In some homes,the woman is the breadwinner and when we hear of successful business owners today,the women make over 50% of that list.
we should not dispute or forget the fact that the Bible says we women should be submissive to our husbands but yet that does not mean the Female should be limited to the living room, the kitchen or THE OTHER ROOM ; As a man,If you limit your wife to just these three rooms you might as well have a zombie or a dullard as a wife because all she would know is the food in the kitchen,the movies on the tv in your living room and the work that goes down in THE OTHER ROOM.
If a women is limited to just these three rooms,we would not have the quote that BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN IS A WOMAN because behind every successful man is a strong and smart woman with brains to think and not just cook or what have you.
Let us all accept the fact that greater women who would change the world are emerging and my ladies I implore you that what ever position you found yourself, no matter how great you are never forget your primary duties to your spouse or husband so that he would not have to remind you that you belong in the kitchen ,living room or what ever other room he might want to name.
Till next time i remain Mirabelle
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Human beings are a unique species. People are different. In so many ramifications. There's no once-and-for-all fix when it comes to human relationships, I suppose. What works for A doesn't have to necessarily work for B. Problems arise when we, the third parties, make futile attempts to juxtapose shallow-minded and myopic blueprints on ourselves.
If you are a man, and you know that your innocent wife is not adept at multi-tasking, that she cannot balance or juggle between work and wife-duties, then by all means, for the sake of the bigger picture, tailor your fabric to fit your situation.
Moreover, this 'modern' philosophy of what is or what isn't is appalling. Different climes and cultures have different mindsets.
In the film, 'Mr. Bones', shot somewhere in South Africa over a decade ago, it was the norm to slap the face of the crown prince as a form of royal salutation. Now, what do you think the outcome would be if you did such to the crown prince of Ife or even the son of a high chief in Ibarapa for that matter? Then you would understand without doubt that the proverb, 'what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander' does not apply to human beings in all instances!
I'm not a male-chauvinist pig, neither am I supportive of the female-folk being subdued nor marginalized. But the union between a man and a woman (marriage) is a compromising state of affairs between two consenting adults. And they (only they!) have the impetus to decide how they want their lives' outcome to be.