Hey guys...

Happy new year from this side... I pray it will be a great one for us all?

So today am here with my musings again and it’s based on the common saying "SHOW ME YOUR FRIEND AND I WILL TELLYOU WHO YOU ARE”

In our opinion how true is this? During our relationship with people whose characters are not like ours or are not accepted by the society, are we able to stay neutral, do we change in our ways or do we just simply become guilty by association.
During such friendships are we able to make an impact on our friend’s life or we become like them (like the saying; if you can’t beat them join them)

Let’s share and views on this and also think deeply on it for ourselves. And in whatever we do or wherever we find ourselves let’s try to make the right impression and impact rightfully into whoever we come across

Have a great week ahead.

 Dont forget to LIKE,SHARE & COMMENT.


Unknown said…
Sometimes, association makes us just as guilty.
You don't play with fire and expect not to get burned.

Environment is one of the key determinants of behaviour. As individuals, people we closely relate with (such as friends) tend to shape our behaviours - Not entirely, but a significant aspect.

Of course, our genetic makeup is also a strong force in shaping our attitude and behaviour, but friends consciously or unconsciously influence us. As the saying goes, "you cannot play with the pigs and not get dirty".

Our family background, culture, religion and other strongly held beliefs and values are what helps us to filter behaviours exhibited by our friends which we do not desire to emulate.

Another saying goes "Birds of a feather, flock together". Our friends and those whom we keep close relations with are a sum total of whom we are, that doesn't mean we are our friends.

We are simply a cumulative product of our associations
miraascorner said…
thanks so much for this reply ubizyl,ts very insightful and further buttresses the topic.
Unknown said…
I'm glad I could contribute

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