25 THINGS I LEARNT IN 25 YEARS Yesterday i became a year older and I have been thinking of the way to celebrate my day and this was one of the ideas that popped up in my head; sharing with you all 25 things I have learnt in the past 25 years. Ps: I know I have been MIA for a while ,school and exams last year coupled with side activities got the best of me but hopefully this year will be better . Fingers crossed . So let’s get straight to it …. 1. YOU OWE NO ONE AN EXPLANATION: everyone seems to have an opinion of how you should live your life and when you don’t follow their opinions, you are questioned. Never forget it’s your life and you owe no one an explanation of how you choose to live, so not caring about what people will say, LIVE!!! 2. YOU OWN THE KEY TO YOUR HAPPINESS: it took me a while to realize this but once I did my life never rema...